Introducing the Marine Stores Guide

The Marine Stores Guide (MSG) is a key reference for maritime purchasing and supply that started in 1978 as a printed book. Over 110,000 copies are globally used on ships and in offices.

The guide is a crucial resource for key buyers like ship owners and managers. It uses a unique six digit code to precisely identify products, making matching and supplying goods easy. The format of this code system has remained the same for over 40 years. The Guide now lists over 50,000 codes for different marine items, from tableware to welding equipment.

With the rise of technology, many firms have moved their buying to online trading platforms. The Guide's data has thus become more valuable for its users, aiding quick and accurate product specifications.

The Marine Stores Guide Data contains useful product details and comparison tables. Its eighth edition is a vital tool for those in the commercial shipping sector.

The MSG's significance continues to grow with the rise of electronic ship supply management (e-commerce). Users can now transfer the product code directly into their sales system for ease.

The electronic version of the Guide has an advantage over the printed one as it's updated regularly, taking care of obsolete items and adding new ones. But these updates are only available electronically. To use the electronic version, users need to purchase an IMPA Marine Stores Guide Data Licence.

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Industry leading

The leading product reference source for the maritime industry

Time tested

First introduced in 1978, the MSG has been with us for 45 years


Over 110,000 Copies of the MSG are in circulation worldwide

Widely used

Used by 5,000+ vessels / 300+ Shipping Companies